Australian Militarism
Australia the country is built on land whose sovereignty has never been ceded. It was claimed by the British as a colony with no treaty, no declaration of war, no recognition of the original inhabitants whatsoever. Except of course, to imprison and kill them.
Since that time, Australia has played a role as the Western world’s antipodean outpost. From the Boer War, right through to the current blockade of Yemen, Australia has played a role. Sometimes openly, sometimes surreptitiously, in support first of Britain, then of the USA.
While Australia’s role may have begun as such, this is no longer a case of subservience to a superpower. Australia has its own interests, and as a market driven western economy, we share common cause with the US and Britain.
Australia spends about $40 billion a year on defence.....
not that there's anyone we need to be defending ourselves from anytime soon. …. \
Australia spends $40 billion a year on offence, primarily as a part of the US led Western war machine.
We fight alongside the United States in every theatre they operate in and offer diplomatic support in international forums. More importantly though, we host the intelligence and communications bases that make 21st century war possible. Places like Pine Gap and Kojarema.
Australia is currently in the middle of an arms export drive, seeking to increase our share of the international weapons market: Currently at #20 in the world rankings, Australia is seeking to move into theTop10... and fast.
On the home front, Australia is also moving into a war footing. Our government has passed more repressive security & surveillance laws since 9-11 than any other country in the world.
OzPeace is both an attempt to gather information on various aspects of Australian militarism in the one place as well as a being a springboard to campaign against the excesses of militarism and war.